Writing documentation¶
A great way to contribute without writing code is to help writing documentation. Please reach out before contributing as the software is still in an alpha state and portions may not be worth documenting as it changes too frequently.
The documentation is split into three sections:
Quickstart: a crash course where a user should be able to go from nothing to doing the most basic, common tasks. It is not comprehensive, but a highly focused tutorial style “taster” of what’s available. It should be kept very short, aiming to acquaint new users within an hour.
Guides: a guidebook style, topic-driven series of articles discussing things of interest, or tutorials that cover common workflows. This should contain lots of images.
Reference: a comprehensive index of the entire interface and all available features.
Documentation should not be a guide to IFC. Users should not have to know what IFC is.
Official documentation should be polished and maintained. Less documentation of a higher quality that is kept updated with every release is preferred to more documentation with stubs, incomplete or inaccurate information.
All documentation is written in ReStructured Text and is available in the Bonsai docs directory. You can press the edit button on the top right on any documentation page to quickly edit their content.
You can link to
`external websites
(note the space between the url and the link text). You can also link to sections on the same page, like
:ref:`guides/development/writing_docs:Writing technical documentation`
or with
:ref:`custom text<guides/development/writing_docs:writing technical documentation>`.
Traditional references like
`Writing technical documentation`_
work too but are discouraged. You can link to other pages, like this:
:doc:`Hello World<guides/development/writing_docs>`
or sections within other pages, like this:
:ref:`guides/development/installation:unstable installation`
We have autosectionlabel
enabled so it is not necessary to manually create labels. The depth of sections
with automatic labels is set to 2, so the third level of titles
will not get automatic labels to avoid duplication.
You can still create labels manually. This way you would ensure links still works when documentation is refactored.
.. _My label:
My Section
:ref:`Link to My Section <My label>`
This link will work across the documentation. Make sure the label is globally unique.
The following colours and annotation styles should be used for annotating
images. All stroke widths are 3px with a corner radius of 3px. Horizontal
underlines are 5px with a corner radius of 2px. The dark green is 39b54a
the light green is d9e021

Special keywords such as Technical Terminology that the user should be
aware of should be bolded, titlecased, and used consistently. You may
use italics to emphasize words or phrases. Inline code must be quoted
longer code snippets may use code blocks.
cd /path/to/bonsai
Be sure to specify the language to enable syntax highlighting.
print("Hello, world!")
A button may be used to point users to a critical sample file or download.
You can use bulleted lists:
Or ordered lists:
Instead of writing “Note that XYZ …” you should use notes sparingly to highlight “gotchas”.
Tips may be used to add a useful but optional suggestion.
Warnings may be used to highlight common mistakes.
See also
See also blocks should be used to reference further reading links.
Tables can be very annoying to format. You can use a CSV table instead.
Foo |
Bar |
Baz |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
Building documentation¶
If you want to build the documentation locally, the documentation system uses Sphinx. First, install the theme and theme dependencies:
pip install furo
pip install sphinx-autoapi
pip install sphinx-copybutton
Now you can generate the documentation:
cd /path/to/ifcopenshell/src/bonsai/docs/
make html
cd _build/html
python -m http.server
Depending on your machine and environment, you might need to use .\make
instead of make
You will now have a local webserver running hosting the documentation. Your terminal will return something like seen underneath, replace [::] with localhost.
Serving HTTP on :: port 8000 (http://[::]:8000/) ...
Streamlining your workflow¶
Now that you have added or changed some content in the documentation, you may want to see it on the webserver. Initially you can:
Kill the terminal, eg. the server.
Run the make and build sequence as above again.
If you make small incremental changes, you can avoid the cd navigation in many IDE’s by right clicking on the docs folder and open a fresh terminal from there.
This will work, but it is not very efficient. You can streamline your workflow by setting up a run and debug configuration in your IDE. Below is an example for VScode placed in your .vscode folder in the root.
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "Build and Serve Docs",
"type": "shell",
"command": "powershell",
"args": [
"cd D:/ifcopenshell/src/bonsai/docs/; .\\make html; cd _build/html; python -m http.server"
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"problemMatcher": []
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "BonsaiDocsServer",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "D:/ifcopenshell/src/bonsai/docs/_build/html",
"args": ["-m", "http.server"],
"preLaunchTask": "Build and Serve Docs",
"console": "integratedTerminal"
Now you can run the debugger, it will build the documentation and start the server. Simply stop debugging to stop the server and rerun the debugger to see your changes.